
Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Term 3 Immersion Assembly

It was Monday 24th of July. It is the first week of term 3 for 2017. Today we had our annual school immersion assembly for a great start for term 3. In every start of a new term Pt England School starts of the day with our school immersion assembly. Each item is held by a group of teachers who have been working hard over the holidays to create a movie, skit, or an item. The topic for this term is called Guardians of the Galaxy.

Team 1 is the first team to start off. Group of teachers have made a song about 6 teachers going to space. They took off with their flying cars and went and flew to outer space where all the planets are.

Next is team 2's movie which is very similar to team 1's. Their movie was awesome and also the teachers was dancing and singing. The song was about space, stars, planets and other cool things in space. 

Team 3 is next and their movie was about the "Days of our Lives". Teachers from team 3 have created a movie about time which is what they are learning about for this term as part of our inquiry. It included dancing and singing. 

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