
Monday, 3 August 2015

Whole Day

Walt: persuade the reader to agree with our message

Bean bags are as much spongy and delicate to sit on.

During class time the soft and smooth bean bags are available for hire to sit on. Instead of sitting on the hard wooden concrete floor or on a bendable molded chair, you will be able to sit on the nice comfy bean bag to do your work.

The spongy and delicate bean bags are filled with soft rubbery beans (not baked beans)  and covered in a rubbery skin texture. They can be moulded into any shape of your choice. You can choose to sit on the fluffy bean bag, or use it to lean back on.

The comfortable bean bags come in two different colours. A blue colour like the colour of the    bright bluey ocean, and a bright lime mint green. It’s your choice which one you want to sit on.

The price is 3pt. You pay once at the starting point of the day and after that you can use the comfy beanbag for the rest of the  day.

Remember this. For 3pt you can sit at a beanbag during class time all day long.

We were asked to re craft our ad so that people can agree to our message. I used thesaurus to get more exciting words then sad and boring words. We persuaded a reader to hire a bean bag.

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