
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Chunky Chalks

WALT -   Evaluate information and form an opinion

This is my reading work for wk 5. The text that I am reading is called chunky chalks. It is a story talking about a class who is making the own chalk to use for drawing hopscotches.

Healing Honey

WALT -   Find and identify key information in a text

This is my wk 4 reading from last week that I have finished. My literacy class and I have been reading a text about Healing Honey. Our learning intention is to find and identify key information in a text. This text is about healing honey that is made from a manuka tree and given to a company that makes manuka honey. When we have finished answering the questions we then post it on our blog with our learning intention and a task description to explain what our reading is about. 

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Diving Giraffes

 WALT - Use compound and complex sentences correctly
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when:
- I use FANBOYS to join two independent clauses in one sentence
-I can use one independent clause and at least one dependent clause in one sentence

This is my wk 4 writing for 2017. My literacy class has been learning about using compound and complex sentences correctly. We had to watch a video clip about diving giraffes and use compound and complex sentences to explain in sentences what the giraffes are doing. When we have completed our writing task. We then post it on our blog with our learning intention and a task description explaining what we had learned from this writing task.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Statistical Investigation

WALT:  I will collect, sort and count data  AND apply basic addition facts and knowledge of place value and symmetry to: - combine or partition whole numbers

This is my maths presentation about statistics. My maths group is learning about Statistical Investigation.

Last Day at Food Tech

It was Tuesday the 16th of May. Myself Inez and Kura have made our delicious Burgers and Fries. It was our final day for food tech then we move into our next station for tech. It didn't take a long time to make our burgers and fries. It was just some regular ingredients that are added to our burgers such as tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup and also mayonnaise. 


Monday, 15 May 2017

Complex Sentences

WALT - Identify independent and dependent clauses
                    - Identify the features of complex sentences

This is my writing presentation for week 1&2. My literacy class and I have been focusing on complex sentences and also independent and dependent clauses. I had to make up my own complex sentence and when I have finished I post it onto my blog.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Unuseless Inventions: Chindogu

 WALT -   Make connections between text and the world we live in

 This is my reading task about unuseless inventions. We are learning about Chindogu which in Japanese mean inventions. My literacy group has been focusing on making connections between the text and the world we live in. We had to answer the following questions and when we have finish. We post it to our blogs.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Intro to Statistics

WALT:  I will collect, sort and count data  AND apply basic addition facts and knowledge of place value and symmetry to: - combine or partition whole numbers

This is my wk 1/2 work for Term 2. It is a maths presentation about the Intro about statistics. My maths group Tapaono had to learn words about statistic vocabulary like Median, Mode, Range and all those kinds of words. We also learned about pictographs and graphs such as the stem & leaf graph. When we have completed our task we post it to our blog. This is my finish presentation.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Word Problems - solving them with my number knowledge

WALT:  I will collect, sort and count data  AND apply basic addition facts and knowledge of place value and symmetry to: - combine or partition whole numbers

This is my maths presentation about solving word problems with my number knowledge. My learning intention for this week (wk 2) is to collect, sort and count data and apply basic addition facts and knowledge of place value and symmetry to combine or partition whole numbers. My group Tapaono has been instructed to finish this presentation and to post it on our blog to share it with the internet.

Monday, 1 May 2017

First Blog post for Term 2 2017: Holiday Highlights

During the holidays I have been doing a lot of interesting things and also cleaning up my house when my parents go work. Helping my mum with the washing and also watching movies on my sisters Chromebook.

My first overall favourite highlight I did in the Holidays was watching movies with my sister overnight and making my own breakfast and drinking my hot beverage Milo. The breakfast I made during the holidays was scrambled eggs, with toast and also top it off with melted cheese on my scrambles eggs YUMMY!!

My second overall favourite highlight I did in the holidays was to pick up my grandma from the airport who just came from Australia. Myself and my mum went to the airport and stayed there for about four hours. Her flight was delayed three times and we just had a little break and head to the Mc Donald's station and buy something for us to eat. 

After waiting 4-5 hours my grandma finally arrived from the plane. I was so excited to meet her and excited for her to meet me again. My mum was happy with joy to see my grandma. We then left the airport and go do some shopping. 

I also went to my Great-Grandma's funeral. It was a sad moment for my family and my other extended family. My mum was one of the grandchildren of her grandma. So my mum and her cousins went to the funeral home and dressed up my great-grandma. My mum's family and all other extended family gathered together as a family a had a prayer service and our final goodbyes and kisses to her.

Two weeks of school holidays have been really relaxing and I hope the next two weeks of holidays will be very very exciting.